
Curriculum / Diplomas


Strong academic preparation is essential for preparing students for a future of lifelong learning, an economic future of “learn to earn.” All students will be required to complete a rigorous program equivalent to that offered at the comprehensive schools sites in core academic areas of English, math, science and social studies. Efforts to develop infused curriculum approaches incorporating academic disciplines in career-oriented, hands-on activities will be encouraged.

Click here for the KHSD Mathematics Placement Policy

All students will be responsible for meeting the KHSD graduation requirements. Workforce will participate in the state standardized testing program. A total of 220 units will be required for graduation.


Workforce students will earn a “Kern High School District” diploma.


Students enrolled in the program will make progress towards graduation in terms of earning credits in both required and elective courses. The KHSD graduation requirements will be the templates for Workforce students. The Workforce School Site Committee will work with Academy staff, business, industry, and community groups as well as with the school site instructional leadership of the District in reviewing assessment requirements.

The instructional staff of the school through the Workforce School Site Committee will determine means of assessing student mastery of the curriculum included in the State Standards for the various subject areas of English, Math, Science, Social Studies and other areas offered within the curriculum. Workforce will participate in state assessment testing programs applicable to regular high school students. Other means of assessment may include portfolios of work, literacy diagnostics, and other measurements as the Workforce School Site Committee deems appropriate.